Hands on Centrozoon
~reviewed by Goat

This is uncomfortable.  It is my task, albeit voluntarily, to listen to this CD from start to finish, and tell you in the clearest manner possible what it is like and if I would recommend buying it based on how similar or dissimilar our tastes may be.

The problem is, this CD is making me want to throw the headphones off my head and run screaming away.  For you, Unknown Reader, I will press on.  What gives me courage is that the thing is an EP and not a full-length CD.

[Exactly 25 minutes and ten gruelling seconds later.]

The press release says this is one of those Experimental music THANGS, where one group's release is "reinterpreted" or whatever they're calling it these days, by another group.  In this case, the former is Centrozoon, the latter Synapscape.  The big selling point here is that the original material is allegedly "mutated five times".

It's 25 minutes of art-school wanking.  A bit of Gabba bum-bum-bum-bum, a bit of campy goofy singing, a bit of white noise fuzz.  So what?  Next please.

Track Listing:
1.)  Pop Killer
2.)  Girl of the Week
3.)  Little Boy Smile
4.)  Healing The Land
5.)  Bigger Space

Run Time:  25:10

