fearless sponsor, founder of Versus Media

Fascinated with the culture and passion behind music, Ryan has moved throughout the country soaking in the techniques and styles that make each local music scene unique. With one goal in mind (to do as much as he can to help support the indie music scene), he has helped make StarVox a reality with his vision.

Many have dubbed him a music nomad, in search of a prime answer to stop the likes of mainstream media.  He admits, though, that he does listen to "popular" music on occassion.  Punishment. Thus giving him inspiration to work harder in his quest.  "It takes a focused mind to walk the fine line of life."  "Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies even closer".

He has been known to frequent most recently Atlanta, Los Angeles, and St. Louis.

He has a hidden thrill for writing modern Washington Irving styled short stories and loves ancient history. 

He officially gave his vision an official name, VersusMedia (http://www.versusmedia.com).  Founded on the principals to help any type of independent media succeed and with his extenssive understanding of the web, he feels that this just might be the solution.  VersusMedia gives Internet homes to Indie artists, writers, musicians, photographers...

StarVox is Property of VersusMedia,  LLC